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How long to bake pork chops at 375?

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How long to bake pork chops at 375?

Are you preparing the perfect pork chops for dinner tonight? If so, then you’re likely wondering how long to bake them! Cooking pork chops at 375 F can be a tricky temperature to get right. More time in the oven can become dry and overcooked; more time and they may still be raw inside. 

In this blog post, we’ll explain exactly what you need to know about how long to bake pork chops at 375, tips for getting them right, and food safety information. 

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Nutrition From Pork Chops

Indulging in juicy pork chops doesn’t just satiate your hunger pangs; it also provides your body with abundant nutrients. Pork chops are packed with protein, vitamins B and D, iron, zinc, phosphorus, and even Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, promoting better health.

How To Choose Pork Chops

There are a few key factors to keep in mind for the most flavorful and tender pork chops.

  • Appearance and texture: You want pork chops that are firm and plump, with a fresh pink color and just the right amount of fat marbling. Steer clear of pale or grayish chops, as they may not be the best quality. And remember, you want chops that feel firm to the touch with a smooth texture.
  • Let’s talk about marbling: You want the right amount of fat streaks running through your pork chops. This is what gives them flavor and juiciness! But be careful not to go overboard, as too much marbling can result in an overly heavy chop.
  • Fat distribution: make sure it’s evenly spread throughout the chop. Too much fat can make your dish greasy or chewy, so aim for a good balance between fat and meat.
  • Thickness matters: Thicker pork chops are generally preferred for more even cooking and to avoid drying out during the cooking process. Aim for chops at least an inch thick, but don’t go too crazy with the thickness!
  • Bone-in vs. boneless: Bone-in chops have more flavor (thanks to the marrow) and keep moisture in during cooking. However, boneless chops are more convenient to eat and cook more quickly.
  • Freshness and source: choose pork chops from a reputable source and stick to the freshest cuts. Look for animals raised sustainably for the best taste and quality.

How Long To Bake Pork Chops At 375?

The answer depends on the thickness of your pork chops. You’ll want to bake them for around 25 minutes if they are thick, while thin pork chops only need about 15 minutes. 

TipUse a meat thermometer to ensure your pork chops are cooked. And if you want to add some color, try broiling them for a minute or two.

How long does it take to cook 1-inch pork chops at 375?

For 1-inch pork chops, you can expect to bake them for around 20 minutes at 375 F.

TipYou’ll want to use a meat thermometer to check that the center has reached an internal temperature of 160°F before removing it from the oven. 

How long to bake 2-inch pork chops at 375?

For 2-inch pork chops, you’ll need to bake them for slightly longer – around 30 minutes at 375 F.

Tip: To check if they are cooked through properly, use a meat thermometer to ensure the center has reached an internal temperature of 160°F. 

How Long Do You Bake Pork Chops At 375 In The Microwave?

Pop them in the oven for 25 minutes or until cooked thoroughly for juicy pork chops bursting with flavor.

How Long Do You Bake Pork Chops At 375 In The Oven?

For home cooks, pork chops cooked at 375°F for 24-36 minutes is standard, but some savor a tender and juicier experience by cooking at a lower temperature. If you want the best of both worlds, try cooking at 375°F for less than 24 minutes. 

How Long Do You Bake Pork Chops At 375 In An Air Fryer?

Baking thick boneless or bone-in pork chops in an air-fryer at 375°F takes only 3-7 minutes. Aim for an internal temperature of 145°F (or 150°F for a more well-done chop) for medium-rare. 

Tip: Ensure you use an instant-read thermometer to check the temperature accurately. Once the chops are well cooked, remove them from the air fryer and let them rest for a few minutes before serving. 

This will allow the juices to redistribute, leaving you with juicy, tender chops. Enjoy!

How Long Does It Take To Bake Frozen Pork Chops At 375?

Just pop them in the oven at 375°F for 30 to 40 minutes, and you’ll have perfectly succulent pork chops.

TipHave them cooked longer for a well-done chop, or keep them rare for a juicy pink center. Just make sure the internal temperature is safe to eat before indulging.

How Long To Bake Frozen Pork Chops At 375 In The Oven?

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit, bake the pork chops for 25-30 minutes, and voila! Just remember to ensure they’re fully cooked. 

How long to bake bone-in pork chops at 375?

For succulent bone-in pork chops, bake 375 degrees for 30-40 minutes (depending on the thickness).

TipFor perfect chops every time, grab your trusty meat thermometer to check for doneness before they hit your plate.

How long to bake pork chops at 375 covered with foil?

Get succulent pork chops by baking them at 375 degrees covered with foil for 30-40 minutes (depending on thickness).

TipTo ensure they’re cooked just right, use a meat thermometer before taking them out of the oven.

How long to bake pork chops at 375 without foil?

  • Cooking pork chops without foil requires patience, but it’s well worth it. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees, slide your chops in, and let them cook for 30-40 minutes.
  • TipCheck the chops with a meat thermometer before taking them out. 
  • Note: Remember: thicker chops need more time to cook. 

How long to bake pork chops at 375 in a cast iron skillet?

When cooking pork chops in a cast iron skillet, remember that the cooking time depends on how thick the chops are. Generally speaking, you must let them cook for about 30-40 minutes at 375 degrees.

TipTo ensure they are cooked perfectly, use a meat thermometer to check for doneness before digging in.

What is the best temperature to cook pork chops in the oven?

Cooking the perfect pork chops isn’t about the best or worst temperature; it’s about reaching the proper, safe internal temperature. According to the USDA, pork chops should be cooked to 145 degrees F. Achieving the ideal texture is a bit more flexible-try baking at 375 degrees F for a fail-proof option, or opt for a more caramelized crust at 400 degrees F.

How To Bake Pork Chops At 375

How long to bake pork chops at 375?


– 4 pork chops

– 1 tablespoon olive oil

– Salt and pepper, to taste


Get ready to cook the perfect pork chops!

  • First things first, preheat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Next, give those pork chops some love by lightly brushing them with olive oil, seasoning with salt and pepper, and placing them onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  • Now comes the baking. Pop those pork chops into the oven and set a timer for 20-30 minutes or until they reach an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit (use a meat thermometer if needed).
  • Take a break while the magic happens in the oven and catch up on your favorite show.
  • Once the timer goes off, carefully remove the pork chops from the oven and give them a chance to rest for 5 minutes before digging in.

Pro Tip: Experiment with different seasoning blends or marinades to find your perfect bite.

There you have it – perfectly cooked pork chops every time.

How To Know If Pork Chops Is Done Cooking

Here are some easy methods to know if your pork chop is done:

  • Method 1: Use a meat thermometer. This is the most reliable way to determine the doneness of pork chops. Insert an instant-read meat thermometer into the thickest part of the chop, avoiding any bones. For medium-rare, the pork chops should reach an internal temperature of 145°F (63°C), while for medium, it should be 150°F (66°C). Ensure the thermometer is not touching any bone, which can give a false reading.
  • Method 2: Check the color! Cooked pork chops should have a slightly pinkish interior, with clear juices running from the meat. But here’s the catch, color alone is not a foolproof indicator. So be sure to use a meat thermometer for accuracy!
  • Method 3: Test the texture. An adequately cooked pork chop should have a slightly tender, firm surface. You can press the chop gently with your finger or a fork. It is likely cooked if it feels firm but still gives a little. But don’t overcook them, as dry, formidable pork chops are nobody’s friend!

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Bake Pork Chops At 375

Here are some quick tips to help you get perfectly cooked chops every time:

  • Don’t skip preheating the oven! Please set it to 375 degrees Fahrenheit and heat it before cooking.
  • While cooking, be sure to watch the timer carefully! Overcooking pork chops can lead to dry, tough meat – different from what we want.
  • A thermometer is your best friend when it comes to checking the temperature. The internal temperature of the pork chops should reach a minimum of 145 degrees Fahrenheit before you take them out of the oven.

Tips for the best pork chops

Start by taking the uncooked pork chops from the fridge about 10 minutes before baking. This will help bring them to room temperature and ensure they bake evenly. But before you pop them into the oven, pat them dry with a paper towel to remove any excess moisture.

To guarantee the best results, I recommend investing in an instant-read thermometer. Check the internal temperature once you’ve baked the pork chops for 12 minutes. Remember that cooking times may vary depending on the thickness of the pork chops. And be careful not to overcook them, as we want to keep them tender and juicy!

Suppose you ended up with thicker pork chops. They’re typically the juiciest. But if you’re using thinner chops, watch them closely, as they may dry out faster. Finally, to lock in those delicious juices and moisten your pork chops, let them rest for 5 minutes after baking.

How To Store Pork Chops

Proper storage is key to ensure delicious, safe-to-eat pork chops at any time. Follow these simple steps:

  • Cool the pork chops entirely before storing them in the fridge or freezer.
  • Wrap them tightly with plastic cling film or aluminum foil or place them in an airtight container.
  • Pop them in the fridge for up to three days or in the freezer for up to two months.

How To Reheat Pork Chops

Whether storing, reheating, or baking them to perfection, follow these simple steps for maximum taste:

  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Place the pork chops on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or aluminum foil.
  • Bake for 10 minutes or until heated through.
  • Let them cool for a few minutes before serving.

How can I get my pork chops to be tender?

Look no further if you’re looking for ways to make your pork chops super tender! Here are some helpful tips to follow:

  • First and foremost, choose the proper cut. “Loin” and “rib” chops tend to be more tender due to their lower fat content and fewer connective tissues.
  • Next, try bringing your pork chops by soaking them in a saltwater solution. This infuses the meat with moisture, producing juicier and more tender chops. Dissolve salt in water, let the pork chops soak in the brine in the fridge for up to a few hours, then rinse and pat dry before cooking.
  • Marinating your pork chops is another excellent way to add flavor and tenderness. Mix your marinade with oil, vinegar, citrus juice, herbs, and spices. Let the chops marinate in the fridge for at least 30 minutes (or overnight if you have the time).

Tip: remember, don’t overcook your pork chops! Use a meat thermometer to keep track of the internal temperature, and cook the chops until they reach 145°F (63°C). Then let them rest before serving to allow the juices to redistribute.

How To Freeze Baked Pork Chops?

Here are the steps to freeze baked pork chops perfectly:

  • Step 1: Allow the baked pork chops to cool completely before freezing. This preserves their quality and prevents condensation, which can ruin their texture.
  • Step 2: Individually wrap each pork chop tightly in plastic or a freezer-safe resealable bag. Avoid freezer burn and keep the pork chops safe.
  • Step 3: Place the wrapped pork chops in a giant freezer-safe bag or container. This extra packaging layer facilitates freezer organization and protects the pork chops.
  • Step 4: Label and date the package with a marker. You can only sometimes remember what’s in the box or how long it’s been there, so save yourself the hassle with a label.
  • Step 5: Lay flat and freeze the pork chops. You can avoid a messy freezer by laying them flat and saving space.

Remember to consume the pork chops within the recommended 3-4 months limit.

How I Thaw Frozen Pork Chops Before Cooking?

Thawing frozen pork chops correctly before cooking is essential to avoid food safety issues. Here are two methods to do so safely:

  • Refrigerator thawing: Put the frozen pork chops in a plastic bag or airtight container and into the fridge for several hours or overnight. The cold air in the refrigerator will thaw the pork chops gradually, ensuring even and safe thawing.
  • Cold water thawing: You can use this method to thaw the chops quickly. Put the frozen pork chops in a sealed plastic bag, ensuring it is waterproof. Submerge the bag in a bowl of cold water, and change the water every 30 minutes to maintain its cold temperature. This method usually takes 1-2 hours to thaw pork chops.


  1. Avoid thawing pork chops at room temperature, as this can allow bacteria to multiply and lead to foodborne illness.
  2. Cook thawed pork chops promptly; don’t refreeze.
  3. After thawing, use a meat thermometer to ensure your pork chops are cooked thoroughly to a minimum internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit (63 degrees Celsius) for medium-rare or 150 degrees Fahrenheit (66 degrees Celsius) for medium before serving.

How do you keep pork chops moist?

Here are a few tips to keep your pork chops moist and flavorful:

  • First, try bringing your pork chops. Soak them in a saltwater solution for 30 minutes to a few hours before cooking to infuse moisture into the meat. Next, consider marinating them. This helps to add flavor while retaining moisture. Need more time? Let them marinate in the fridge for at least 30 minutes, or better yet, overnight!
  • Butter: Mix your pork chops with melted butter or other flavorful fats while cooking. This technique helps to keep them moist and tender.
  • Cooking with moisture is also a great way to retain flavor and prevent dryness. Braising or cooking pork chops in a sauce or liquid traps moisture, ensuring a rich, juicy flavor.
  • Remember, avoid overcooking your pork chops! Use a meat thermometer to ensure you cook your pork chops to perfection. Aim for an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit (63 degrees Celsius) for medium-rare or 150 degrees Fahrenheit (66 degrees Celsius) for medium doneness.

What To Serve With Pork Chops

Not only are these fantastic suggestions for sides to serve with pork chops, but they also complement the pork flavors to provide a well-rounded meal. And if you’re hungry for more sides, here are some additional ideas to consider:

  • Steamed or roasted asparagus
  • Grilled or roasted zucchini
  • Creamy coleslaw
  • Steamed broccoli
  • Corn on the cob
  • Roasted Brussels sprouts
  • Glazed carrots
  • Roasted garlic mashed potatoes
  • Quinoa salad with vegetables
  • Roasted butternut squash

With this array of flavors, textures, and colors, your pork chop meal will be guaranteed to be a crowd-pleaser. But before cooking, remember to adjust cooking times and methods for each side dish according to their specific requirements. 

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FAQs of how long to bake pork chops at 375

How long to bake pork chops at 375?

Can I bake pork chops at a lower temperature?

Yes, you can bake pork chops at a lower temperature. If baking at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, cook for 30 minutes instead of 25 minutes.

Tip: Make sure to check the internal temperature of the pork chop with a meat thermometer to ensure it’s cooked through. 

What temperature should pork chops be cooked to?

The pork should reach an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit for safe consumption. Use a meat thermometer to check the center of the pork chops for doneness.

TipLet the pork rest for three minutes after cooking before serving. This will help keep all the juices and flavors locked in! 

Can I bake pork chops in foil?

Yes, you can bake pork chops in foil. To do this, season the pork chops as desired and wrap them tightly with a double layer of foil. Place on a baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes at 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Once cooked, open the foil pouch carefully to allow steam to escape before serving.

Should I cover my pork chops when baking?

No, it is not necessary to cover the pork chops when baking. However, wrapping them in a double layer of foil will help keep the juices and flavors inside. It can also help speed up cooking time.

Can I bake pork chops in milk?

Yes, you can bake pork chops in milk. To do this:

  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and lightly grease a baking dish.
  2. Soak the pork chops in milk for 10 minutes and season with desired spices or marinades.
  3. Place the pork chops in the baking dish and pour any remaining milk.
  4. Bake for 25-35 minutes or until the internal temperature of the pork reaches 145 degrees Fahrenheit.

Can I bake pork chops with bone?

Yes, you can bake pork chops with bone. However, it is important to increase the cooking time if opting for thicker cuts of pork with bone-in. When baking at 375 degrees Fahrenheit, plan for around 30 minutes of cook time instead of 25 minutes. ​

Can I bake pork chops in water?

No, it is not recommended to bake pork chops in water. This will cause the pork chop to become very tender and lose much of its flavor. It’s best to bake the pork without any added liquid or seasonings for optimal flavor and texture. ​

Do pork chops get more tender the longer you bake them?

Yes, pork chops will become more tender the longer they are baked. However, this can make them dry and tough if cooked too long.

It is best to bake pork chops at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 minutes and check the internal temperature with a meat thermometer before serving. ​

Is it better to bake pork chops at high or low temperatures?

Baking pork chops at a lower temperature of 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 minutes is best. Baking them on high heat (400-425 degrees Fahrenheit) will cause the exterior to become too crispy and dry out the interior. ​

Why are my pork chops dry and tough?

Pork chops can become dry and tough if cooked too long. It is best to bake them at a lower temperature of 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 minutes or until the center reaches an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit. Letting them rest after cooking will also help keep them juicy and tender. ​

Do you have to brown pork chops before baking?

No, you do not have to brown pork chops before baking. However, it can help enhance their flavor and give them a nice golden-brown color. To do this, season the pork chops as desired and heat a skillet over medium-high heat. ​

Do You Have To Wash Pork Chops Before Cooking?

No, you do not have to wash pork chops before cooking. Washing can spread bacteria around your kitchen and increase the risk of foodborne illnesses. Instead, use a paper towel to pat them dry before seasoning and baking. ​

Conclusion: how long to bake pork chops at 375

Now you know how to bake pork chops at 375°F perfectly! 

  • Begin experimenting with different spices and flavors that will help to create a savory, unique dish each time. 
  • When it comes to pork chops, knowing the optimal cooking temperature and timing can save you from overcooking or undercooking your delicious meal.
  • So remember: cook at 375°F for 15 to 25 minutes

If you’re looking for more ways to make your pork chop dishes stand out, ask your local butcher for advice or browse online recipes. Your search ends here: by following these simple instructions and putting in some effort and creativity, you’re guaranteed to make juicy and tender pork chops every time. 



How Long To Baked Pork Chops At 375 Recipe

How Long To Baked Pork Chops At 375 Recipe

This delicious and easy-to-make oven-baked pork chop recipe is perfect for winter.
prep time
10 minutes mins
cooking time
40 minutes mins
total time
50 minutes mins


  • baking dish or sheet tray

  • tongs

  • meat thermometer


  • 1/2 pound pork chops

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder

  • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder

  • Kosher salt and black pepper to taste

  • 1/2 cup white wine

  • 1/2 cup chicken broth

  • 1/4 cup red wine vinegar

  • One tablespoon of chopped fresh thyme

  • Three tablespoons honey


Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Then, season your pork chops with garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and black pepper.
Heat olive oil in a large ovenproof skillet over medium heat and cook the pork chops for 3 minutes per side or until browned.
Next, pour white wine and chicken broth into the skillet and bring everything to a boil. Reduce heat to low and let it simmer for 10 minutes.
While it simmers, whisk together vinegar, thyme, honey, and one tablespoon of oil in a small bowl. Add this mixture to the skillet and cook for 1 minute or until heated. Take it off the heat and let it cool slightly.
Finally, put the pork chops in a single layer on an ovenproof dish and bake them in your preheated oven for 8 minutes per side or until they're fully cooked. Time to eat!


Indulge in oven-baked pork chops for the ultimate year-round feast!
68 posts

About author
As the owner of greenteahouserestaurant.com, I'm Osbert Presley – an enthusiastic chef passionate about culinary exploration. Since childhood, cooking has brought me immense delight, and it's been my mission to share the joys of food and drinks with everyone around me. I'm always searching for new recipes and discovering tips & tricks that help people in their kitchen adventures. One of my favorite activities is entertaining guests at dinner parties; nothing gives me more pleasure than creating a memorable experience for friends & family!
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